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■ Major Practice Areas

  • Divorce Law

  • Domestic Violence and other violence, harassment (Victim Side)

  • Family Law

  • Real Estate, Landlord and Tenant Law

  • Inheritance and Will

  • Bankruptcy and Debt Relief

  • Tort, Personal Injury

  • Corporate (Mainly, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance)

  • Labor Law (Labor Side)

  • Elderly Law (Custody and Property Management)

  • Criminal Defense

  • Immigration

Legal Issues for Foreign Nationals

 We have attorneys who can handle cases in English and are familiar with foreign law and international legal practice.
 We can assist you in resolving a variety of everyday problems.

At a Glance  👇

Divorce, Domestic Violence
Our Firm  handles many divorce, domestic violence, and dating DV cases.
 DV is a serious violation of women's human rights, and we recommend that you do not suffer alone, but rather consult with our office to obtain legal protection and support.
 Please also consult with the police, women's centers, etc. First of all, you need to evacuate and escape from the violence, receive public assistance for shelter and establish your life, and at the same time, proceed with legal procedures such as divorce or a protection order.
You are not at fault. You are in trouble, but you can always solve it.
Please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your situation with our firm, which has achieved the solutions women desire through protection orders, mediation, and lawsuits.


Bankruptcy, Debt Consolidation, and Debt Worries

 If you are stuck in business and your debts have increased, making it difficult to make payments, if you are an individual struggling to repay credit or salaried debts, or if you have debt problems that you cannot tell your family about, do not worry alone, please feel free to contact our law firm.
 Our experienced attorneys are committed to providing case-specific solutions for everything from individual debt restructuring, bankruptcy and civil rehabilitation, and overpayment lawsuits, to large-scale corporate bankruptcies and small and medium-sized corporate bankruptcies.
 We protect the privacy of our clients and provide consultation.

Consultation on Real Estate and Leasing

 We have extensive experience in resolving a wide variety of real estate matters, including the division of property in common, real estate sales and purchases, land leases, leasehold transfers and purchases, and neighboring relations.

As a result, we have a good grasp of the key points and the way to proceed with each case, and we are able to smoothly cooperate with other related industries. In particular, we provide friendly consultation to female owners who are having difficulty in voicing their concerns about common property division and other real estate problems, and have achieved many “I am glad I consulted with you” solutions. We have also consulted with many citizens and business owners who have been placed in a vulnerable position on the side of the lessee, and we have been able to provide appropriate solutions to their problems. In real estate cases, we always go to the site. We inspect the site carefully, understand the actual situation well, and take appropriate measures according to the case.

We have many cases to resolve.
Division of co-ownership

Real estate sales and purchase of land leases

Lawsuits for vacating land and buildings

Surrender of stores and houses (both landlords and tenants)

Corporate Legal Affairs /



Legal problem in Business

Are the contracts we have with our business

partners correct? We receive many inquiries

about this question.

We are happy to assist you in drafting contracts,

debt collection, contractual disputes, labor management, and other legal issues.

Please feel free to consult with us regarding any legal issues you may have.


Compliance, Risk Management, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance
Our firm has expertise in the areas of compliance, risk management, and CSR. In recent years, the international trend in corporate compliance has been to consider the supply chain and value chain from an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) perspective and to fulfill human rights due diligence based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. When expanding into emerging countries, companies are required to accurately identify human rights, social, and environmental issues that need to be taken into consideration even before problems arise, and to build a compliance system. Labor and human rights issues discovered in the supply chain must be properly identified and corrected from a risk management perspective, and measures to prevent recurrence must be formulated to ensure accountability to consumers, investors, and society in general. Our experienced attorneys can assist in the formulation of internal human rights guidelines, specific implementation of human rights due diligence, and risk management measures, as well as provide analysis of the current situation, advice, and assistance in formulating such measures, based on the latest information.

Corporate Counsel
Our corporate advisors handle a wide range of cases for small and medium-sized enterprises, restaurant and other store operators, and those who have just started their own businesses.

As an advisor, we will respond promptly to day-to-day issues.  


 Attorney Kazuko Ito has given numerous lectures to corporations on the following topics

・ CSR, risk management and human rights

・International trends such as the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including emerging regulations.

・Supply chains and international labor standards

・Human Rights Due Diligence

・Sexual harassment prevention and women's rights in the workplace

・Personal information protection and other laws and regulations

Inheritance, Will, Property management



    We have handled a large number of inheritance and will cases, including estate division, and have achieved satisfactory solutions for our clients.
 We are happy to assist our clients with not only disputes over the division of property , but also with various inheritance procedures, and investigation of heirs.
 We also support drafting of many wills for clients. We recommend the preparation of notarized wills to avoid leaving disputes later.
  Our firm works with tax accountants, judicial scriveners, and other professionals to provide a one-stop service.

Property Management, Guardianship, etc.
 Many people have trouble managing the assets of their aging families, such as parents.
We are actively involved in cases related to estate administration and adult guardianship. Please also consult with us about your concerns regarding nursing care.




☎︎ 03-5579-8471

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