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Property, Real Estate, Leasing, Asset Management in Japan

     Do you have a problem with your asset or real estate in Japan?

     Our Firm handles a wide variety of real estate matters,  and have resolved a large number of cases with many satisfactory  solutions for our clients.   

        Please consult with us about your concerns.

    We particularly work for case in Tokyo and surrounding area in Japan.

What we can do

Our legal service

・real estate sales and purchases 

・partition of co-ownership 

・property leases 

・asset administration

・neighboring relations 

For Foreign Resident in Japan

We provide friendly consultation with foreign owners who are having difficulty in other real estate problems in Japan.

For Tenant 

Asset administration

We also provide consultation for citizens and business owners who are placed in a vulnerable position on the side of tenants, and we are able to provide appropriate solutions to their problems. 

Regarding the  managing the assets of your aging families, our firm is actively involved in cases related to estate administration and adult guardianship.   

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